
Phil Duxbury, Carlile Lavor, Leo Liberti, Luiz de Salles-Neto, Unassigned distance geometry and molecular conformation problemsJournal of Global Optimization, accepted.

M. Pelegrín, C. D’Ambrosio, Aircraft deconfliction via Mathematical Programming: Review and insightsTransportation Science, accepted.

M. Cerulli, L. Liberti, Polynomial programming prevents aircraft (and other) conflictsHAL open archives (hal-02971109-v2) 2021.

S. Haddad Vanier, L. Xu. Branch-and-Price for Energy Optimization in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks. Submitted  to Networks International journal.

Gustavo Dias, Leo Liberti, Exploiting symmetries in mathematical programming via orbital independenceAnnals of Operations Research, 298:149-182, 2021.

M. Cerulli, C. D’Ambrosio, L. Liberti, M. Pelegrín, Detecting and solving aircraft conflicts using bilevel programming, Journal of Global Optimization 1-29, 2021

Ackooij, W., D’Ambrosio, C., Thomopulos, D., Trindade, R. S. , Decomposition and Shortest Path Problem Formulation for solving the Hydro Unit Commitment and Scheduling in a Hydro Valley. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3): 935-943, 2021.

M Fliess, C Join, K Moussa, SM Djouadi, M Alsager, Preliminary in silico experiments: Towards new cancer treatments?, bioRxiv 2021

J Sliwak, M Anjos, L Létocart, E Traversi, A Semidefinite Optimization-based Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Several Reactive Optimal Power Flow Problems, arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.13648, 2021

Khalife, S., Gonçalves, D., Allouah Y., and Liberti L., Further results on latent discourse models and word embeddings, HAL open archives (hal-02983109, v1), 2020.

Khalife, S., Gonçalves, D., and Liberti L.,  Distance geometry for word embeddings and applications, HAL open archives (hal-02892020, v1), 2020.

Claudia D’Ambrosio, Leo Liberti, Pierre-Louis Poirion, Ky Vu, Random projections for quadratic programs, Mathematical Programming B, 183:619-647, 2020.

G. Iommazzo, C. D’Ambrosio, A. Frangioni, L. Liberti, Learning to configure mathematical programming solvers by mathematical programming. In P. Pardalos, M. Brunato (Eds.), Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION14), LNCS, 12096:377-389, Springer, New York, 2020.

D. Bienstock, M. Escobar, C. Gentile, and L. Liberti, Mathematical Programming formulations for the Alternating Current Optimal Power Flow problem, 4OR 18 (3): 249-292, 2020.

D. Bienstock and M. Escobar,Stochastic Defense Against Complex Grid Attacks, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 7 (2): 842-854,  2020

Leo Liberti, Distance Geometry and Data Science, TOP, 28:271-339, 2020.

J. Luedtke, C. D’Ambrosio, J. Linderoth, J. Schweiger. Strong convex nonlinear relaxations of the pooling problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization 30(2), 1582-1609, 2020

C. D’Ambrosio, S. Martello, M. Monaci. Lower and upper bounds for the non-linear generalized assignment problem, Computers & Operations Research 120, 104933, 2020

M Fliess, C Join, Data mining and time series segmentation via extrema: preliminary investigations, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09895, 2020

J Sliwak, E Andersen, MF Anjos, L Letocart, E Traversi, A Clique Merging Algorithm to Solve Semidenite Relaxations of Optimal Power Flow Problems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 1, 2020

F Furini, E Traversi, P Belotti, A Frangioni, A Gleixner, N Gould, L Liberti, …, QPLIB: a library of quadratic programming instances, Mathematical Programming Computation 11 (2), 237-265, 2019.

C D’Ambrosio, F Furini, M Monaci, E Traversi, On the product knapsack problem, Optimization Letters 12 (4), 691-712, 2018

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Denis Guthleben

Marie Curie, la pionnière aux deux Nobel

Il y a tout juste 150 ans, le 7 novembre 1867, naissait Marie Curie. Alors que de nombreux événements sont prévus cette année pour célébrer cette scientifique de génie, dont une grande exposition au Panthéon, l’historien Denis Guthleben revient sur son parcours marqué, entre autres, par l’obtention de deux prix Nobel dans des disciplines différentes.

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Dieux de l'Inde

L’Inde fourmille d’images et de signes religieux sur les murs de ses temples, dans ses musées et ses modestes sanctuaires domestiques. Guidant le lecteur dans le dédale du panthéon hindou, ce livre richement illustré lui fera découvrir le sens des figures divines.

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Qu’est-ce que l’art préhistorique ?

L’irruption soudaine des images au début du Paléolithique supérieur, il y a environ 40 000 ans, révèle les extraordinaires capacités cognitives des premiers hommes modernes et pose la question de leur origine, de leur enracinement culturel. D’où viennent ces comportements symboliques ?

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